Ms. Maureen Brannen @ Haymon-Morris Middle School

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 Activities, projects and More!

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Rubi Star is a great way to find and create rubrics for project-based learning activities. It's important that students be issued a rubric along with the initial directions for completing the activity. Students should understand what is expected, and how they will be graded.

Rubi Star

If you'd like an easy template for an online research activity, check out the link below to either search for a WebQuest that has already been completed, or create one for yourself.

WebQuest Research

Graphic organizers are helpful in all classes. Here's a collection for you to browse.

Graphic Organizers

The Istanbul Center in Atlanta sponsors a wonderful ART and WRITING competition each year. The students who place in the top three, along with their teachers, receive free trips to Turkey! Other prizes include iPads and gift cards. Be sure to meet the December 19th deadline! (Even if you are not using this as a whole-class activity, please take a moment to share with your students. There will probably be a few eager to give it a try!)

Art & Writing Contest

Are you looking for a cross-curriculum unit with high interest? Students always enjoying reading and learning about the Titanic!

Titanic Unit


Everyone loves music, especially your students. So click below and enjoy the PARTS OF SPEECH RAP!

Parts of Speech

Need to Know Literary Terms

Literary Terms Review Puzzle

Word Parts

All About Crossword


The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has created a site with over 700 lesson plans and activities for math teachers. 

Illuminations-Resources for Math Teachers

Phet Interactive Simulations


A great way to conduct several novel studies at the same time (differentiating reading levels) is with Literature Circles. Be sure that you have read all of the books to be included so that "popping in" during group discussions won't be a problem.

Literature Circles

Vale Middle School in Oregon is a wonderful resource for informational text and activities to coordinate with the text. (A recent article is entitled, "Japan Rolls Out Campaign to Stockpile Toliet Paper"; this is just one example of the high interest articles posted on their site.)They make the articles and questions/activities available to all educators, as long as credit is given.

Informational Text


The Khan Academy

Phet Interactive Simulations

The Science Spot


New Deal, Talmadge, and more!

Below is a site that has an abundance of ideas and plans for social studies and history teachers!

Lesson Plans, Projects, Tests, & More

Please complete the form below if you have questions about the resources on this site, or would like to brainstorm ideas and strategies for a lesson!

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