Ms. Maureen Brannen @ Haymon-Morris Middle School

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Strategies, Activities and Technology for Extended Learning Time


Basic Reading and Reading Comprehension

Research shows that DIRECT VOCABULARY INSTRUCTION boosts basic reading skills and increases reading comprehension.

"When all teachers in a school focus on the same

academic vocabulary and teach in the same way,

a school has a powerful comprehensive


Please take a moment to view a presentation that does a great job of summarizing the steps to successful vocabulary instruction

*Click here for a list of standards high-frequency words that all students should know.

*Vocabulary lists can be created for specific reading passages or text that will be used in your class.

*Content-based vocabulary lists for grades 6, 7, and 8, are provided below followed by various strategies, activities, and technology support to use with DIRECT VOCABULARY INSTRUCTION.

Steps for Vocabulary in Math Instruction

Talk a Mile a Minute Game (math example)

Frayer Vocabulary Diagrams

4Fold Vocabulary

Guess the Meaning Vocabulary

Linear Arrays Vocabulary

Meeting New Vocabulary

Multiple Representations

Word Analysis

Word Map

Reading Fluency

Fluent Readers:
*Recognize words automatically
*Read aloud effortlessly and with expression
*Do not have to concentrate on decoding and can focus on comprehension

Three activities that increase fluency:

1. MODELING-The teacher reads aloud using a variety of

genres-poetry, speeches, folk tales, myths, high interest

text. It's important that the students have a copy of what

is being modeled, or it is projected for them.

2. REPETITION-Reread short passages or text.

3. CHORAL READING/PLAYS/DRAMA-Students have a part in the reading, or a role.

Math Calculation

Math Problem Solving

Written Expression

Listening Comprehension

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